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COL Wellness Session for Graduating Students: "It's Okay Not To Be Okay"

COL Wellness Session for Graduating Students: "It's Okay Not To Be Okay"

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The College Guidance Center (CGC) in collaboration with the College of Law (COL) would like to highly encourage you to attend the COL Wellness Session dubbed as “It’s Okay Not to be Okay.” This webinar will be held on Friday, March 18, 2022 from 3:00-5:00 pm via Zoom.  

The webinar aims to allow its student-participants to:

  1. Expound on the reasons why minding one’s mental health is essential in the new normal.
  2. Identify symptoms and stressors commonly experienced by students as we shift to online learning during this COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. Articulate ways on how to combat these mental health-related challenges.
  4. Connect the importance of mental health to effectively support one’s academic performance.
Here are some important reminders:
  1. Please make sure to log in to your Zoom account at least 5-10 minutes before the webinar. If applicable, rename your account to your full name for attendance documentation.
  2. Microphones and cameras must be switched OFF during the webinar.
  3. You may use the chat box to respond to the speaker's questions while the discussion is ongoing as well as in raising your queries/concerns.
  4. A certificate of participation will be given to those who will attend the session and answer the evaluation form.
  5. Please do not share the Zoom link with others or post on social media for security reasons.
  6. Zoom link

Meeting ID: 987 1154 7946
Passcode: 427827

Thank you and see you soon! smile