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LEB-GLPP Gender Sensitivity Webinar for Law Students on April 9, 2022

LEB-GLPP Gender Sensitivity Webinar for Law Students on April 9, 2022

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Greetings from the U.P. College of Law Gender Law and Policy Program (UP GLPP)!

We write to remind you of our upcoming webinar with the Legal Education Board (LEB) titled "Gender and Development 101: A Webinar on Gender Sensitivity for Law Students" on 9 April 2022 (Saturday) from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. via Zoom and Facebook Live.

Attached are the posters for the event for your reference. Interested participants may register at or through the QR code on one of the posters.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could share these materials with your students. We look forward to their active participation during the event.

Thank you very much.
